Membership Requirements & Rates
To be eligible for a free membership at Domino's Farms Fitness Center, a person must be at least 18 year of age and employed at Domino's Farms Office Park by one of valued tenants. Each employee must fill out the membership packet, which includes a client demographics form, liability waiver, and a personal health history form.
Additionally, all prospective members must provide verification of employment before access is granted.
Sponsored Members / Employee Spouses
If an employee at Domino's Farms wishes to sponsor an someone for membership, they can do so at the following rates.
1 Year - $425.00
6 Months - $300.00
1 Month - $60.00
Guest Policy
Daily Pass - $10.00
Weekly Pass - $30.00
Guests must sign a waiver of liability prior to exercise.
Regus Client Pricing
1 Year - $300.00
6 Months - $175.00
1 Month - $40.00
1 Week - $30.00
Day Pass - $10.00
We accept cash, personal checks, Visa, MasterCard, or American Express!
Steps to Sign Up
1) Fill out Membership Form
2) Come in! On your first visit to the Fitness Center, notify a staff member so we can get you signed in